The Nurse Beyond the Scrubs

Who are you? Some will answer this question beginning with their title as a Nurse, “I am a Nurse” or “My name is _________ and I am a Nurse.” I would like to challenge you, to really think about the question, “Who are you?”

Who are you?

I can tell you that you are 100% more than just a nurse. You were created for a bigger purpose than nursing alone. Trust me, being a nurse is very important. However, nursing is not who you are, it is what you do. You were you, before becoming a nurse. You were you before nursing school & when the time comes to retire, you will be you after nursing.

You are a rare jewel!

            Again, who are you? You may have characteristics of a nurse that is in your DNA. You may be loving, caring, smart, patient, kind, and generous and everything a nurse needs to be effective. However, you are also a living soul, a family member, a friend, a trailblazer, a lifesaver, etc.

            Continue to identify who you are! Continue to strive to be an effective human being. Continue to uplift others in their most vulnerable state. I am extremely proud of what you do as a nurse, more importantly, I am amazed at who you are as a human being!

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