How to Create a Healthy Work-Life balance as a Nurse

I’m in a season where I find myself bringing work home with me. Just to be transparent, I’m completing my 2-year mark on my current nursing journey and know that it is time for me to pivot into something new and refreshing. Being a nurse for more than 10 years, I have learned to have a 2-year plan to keep me interested and excited in my professional career. This has kept me looking forward to learning something new and stretching me to a new level of knowledge that challenges me to get out of my comfort zone. I love a great challenge.

               But what happens when the heat is turned up at work and you find yourself brining work home and disrupting your work-life balance? I’m right there with you and wanted to encourage you as I encourage myself to create a healthy work-life balance.

               #1: Meditate on Nursing is what I do, it isn’t who I am.

I can’t let being a nurse consume my life at home. I’m a Queen, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Business Owner, and so many other important things. I can’t give 100% to being a nurse and leave my inside cup empty when I get home to my most important team. I must meditate on nursing is what I do, it’s not who I am.

               #2: Understand I have autonomy to try something new in my career.

I must remind myself that I have the power to try something new as a nurse. I can switch to a different position and find a place that compliments my current goals. I look forward to being a new version of myself in my career. When I stay in one specialty too long, I find myself getting bored. When I’m working in an unhealthy work environment, I find myself complaining to my Husband or bringing the work home with me. This is affecting my work-life balance and I know it’s time to pivot.

               #3: Create a Healthy Outlet

For me, my healthy outlet is being honest with my fellow Nurse Queens. I love speaking the truth and sharing my story to help her story. It is important to write out my thoughts and feelings as well. I also love a great support group to talk through problems and solutions. Creating a healthy outlet will promote work-life balance. What is your healthy outlet?

My #1 recommendation is to keep a journal in your car. My journal has saved me from bringing work home. I write down my thoughts and concerns and leave them in the car. I’m in a transition and it is intense, but I know that I have the autonomy to go forward and create the career of my dreams. I’m grateful for being a nurse, but I also know that nursing is what I do, it isn’t who I am. Creating goals and memories is my priority as a Queen. I must learn to leave work at work, to be the best me I can be. Do you struggle with this as well?

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