The 3 Crucial Symptoms of Nurse Burnout

We are all in the midst of history evolving right in front our eyes. Since the awareness of COVID-19 in 2019, healthcare would

never be the same again. Even though this pandemic interrupted Nursing as we knew it, there was always a pandemic in nursing

that dated far before COVID.

This pandemic was Nurse Burnout and currently Nurse Burnout is causing nurses to leave the profession all together in droves. I

have had countless conversations with nurses feeling burned out and overwhelmed, yet couldn’t identify the root cause of their

feelings. They just knew, “something was off.”

Are you feeling this way Sis, that “something is off” in your nursing career, but can’t quite explain it? I once felt the exact same

way and that’s why it is my honor to serve you and help you identify nurse burnout symptoms and ways to overcome them in your

nursing career.

The 3 crucial symptoms of Nurse Burnout is

  • Emotional Exhaustion
  • Depersonalization
  • Lack of Personal Accomplishment

Symptom 1: Emotional Exhaustion     

It is absolutely normal to get overwhelmed emotionally in nursing. Continuously we are serving those in their most vulnerable

state. Emotional exhaustion becomes uncommon when it doesn’t go away. When the unfulfillment and unhappiness last for more

than a shift or difficult encounter. It is vital to talk with someone regarding your emotions. They are valid Sis and you are valued.

Symptom 2: Depersonalization     

This symptom can usually be described as “not feeling yourself.” You know something is off, but you are not quite sure what that

“something” is. You may feel that you are detached from being a nurse or no longer caring for your patients like you once did. It is

so important to identify this quick and be honest with yourself. You could become negative in the workplace and difficult to work


Symptom 3: Personal Accomplishment     

This symptom can be identified with imposter syndrome. You downplay your accomplishments or feel lack of success (even when

you are successful). You don’t associate with your accomplishments. You are worth celebrating Sis and should be proud of all of

your accomplishments, yet this is another common symptom of nurse burnout.

Nurse Burnout is real, especially given the state of COVID-19. If you are experiencing any of these

symptoms, it is vital to speak to someone you trust. Nurse Burnout could lead to compassion fatigue which puts you at risk of

being miserable as a Nurse and leaving the profession. Before you leave the profession of Nursing Sis, let’s talk. You are

needed in nursing and important to the community of patients/clients who needs your care/expertise.

If you are someone you know is experiencing nurse burnout, share this blog with them. Let’s connect and each one, reach one.

From one Sister to the Next, You are Valued.

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