My Nurse Burnout Story

The Nurse Retreat was birthed in 2018 after my personal experience with Nurse Burnout. I was a novice

nurse with only 3 years of experience and wanted to turn in my nursing badge. Personally, I was in a

failing marriage, broke and emotionally burned out. Professionally, I felt I was on a hamster wheel of

going to work day by day and not being fulfilled. Does this sound familiar to you?

My first year of nursing was nothing like I imagined. My purpose for going to school was to make a

difference in others’ lives by providing amazing care and earn money to support my daughter as a single

mother. In return, I received nurse bullying and racism at an organization in Florida. Surprisingly, this

organization was the same place I had been working as a nursing assistant for four years prior and did

not experience any mistreatment. The mistreatment came after I became a nurse.

I was very frustrated and went to work every day regretting the decision to become a nurse. My

preceptor was a nurse bully and made fun of my practice instead of teaching me the correct methods for

caring for my patients. I often heard her make inappropriate comments about the African American

patients and my culture. Instead of using my voice to speak my truth, I responded with an attitude. I was

accused of causing a “hostile” environment when I would correct her misconduct. It was absolutely

horrific all the things that I experienced as a new nurse.

I searched for a community that I could speak with about my experience with nurse burnout and couldn’t

find one that looked like me. So, I created The Nurse Retreat. The safe place for black female nurses

to come to with the purpose of sharing our truth and obtain real solutions to fall in love with being a

nurse again, to make a difference in other peoples’ lives. Truly having a fulfilling and purposeful

nursing career.

I share my nurse burnout story to encourage you Sis that you are not alone. I suffered from nurse

burnout and was able to find my love for nursing again. I took the time to rebuild my foundation on a

solid ground. I realized that I had complete authority over my nursing career and I was the only person

that could rescue me from nurse burnout. I created a support system of sister nurses and birthed my

dream nursing career. I pray the same for your Sis. The Nurse Retreat was created just for You! Connect

Sis, receive the support and encouragement you need to fall in love with your nursing career again.

You sit with us Sis. 

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